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2010-04-21 20:22:27|  分类: 成长点滴 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |


What does it mean to be a global citizen in the 21st century? You are on the cusp of perhaps one of the most exciting and complex periods of modern history.
Put yourself in the global community in the 21st century fifteen years from today. Think about politics, business, diversity, the arts, the environment, religion and culture, science and ethics, and technology - Where are you? What are you doing? Use your imagination and be creative as you tell us how you envision your place in this world.


 We live in the best time, because the information age already come, mobile telephone、computer、internet. We enjoyed the achievement of information age. We can know everything just stay at home. When we watch the news about the world, you could feel we were living in a peace age, so we didn’t have to worry about the world, we only need to imagine our future.

 After 15 years, our world still live in a peaceful age. Because technological progress made human possess the power that can destroy our world. You can see the war have decrease in frequency with the technological progress in history. Stone Age、Cold Arms Age,when the WMD came out, human came to understand the their power, Wars was less coming out.

 After 15 years we will get more advanced、diversiform electronic product and the natural product will be far-between. When we should pay more money for vegetable and meat, we finally find out we should pay attention to our environment. The competition between human and environment haven’t avoid, we must decide what is the vital point for us, there will have controversies about these problems. Human created enginery for working instead of working by people. When everything can be done by machines, where is the position for people?

 After 15 years if one state want to develop, it must contact other states. This is not the time for people that can success only by making great effort by themselves. One state could not do anything and had anything. But everyone had their own tradition and custom. When the contention between two states. Development or tradition, which is more important. That is a challenge. Well, I hope we can get the culture of Aliens after several years. One day ,when we meet the people from other planets, when a fire-new science、technology 、culture、politics come to our world. What should we do?

 The information age will last for several years. my place will into the domain of science or technology. I don’t have amazing eloquence, but I am the person that can spend all the time to pay attention for the subject which I loved. SO to be a scholar is the goal of mine currently. I want to be a professor, which have comfy work. I can have a lot of free time to research anything, which I am interested in. History、physics  chemistry、psychology、computer science. These are which I want to research. . But, I don’t want a life that won’t have any challenge, I should make the world get ahead. For me, I want to created a new material because I have been to lots of place, I found out there have differ in material of clothes、building. The people live in different environment had the different appearance. I want to created a new material, which can adjust like the skin of human. Our clothes、house、engine will be made up by this material, we don’t have to worry about the problem for material. We already achieve the video call by internet,when we can achieve the materialization of information. For example, if we plan to buy a jacket ,we can try on by internet before we buy it to make sure if it is fit us. We can shake hands when we meet person from internet, just like face to face.

 My dream is that I can have only most useful invention. Then I can spent the remainder of my life quietly.


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