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A good week  

2010-01-30 15:51:18|  分类: 成长点滴 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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I think Rui had a good week at school. He seemed more involved with the other students, he spent less time on the computer and after he learned his daily ‘office work,’ he was faithful in completing it.
He is a very nice young man, again, if you hear anything of concern, please let me know.

没搞明白那个office work是啥,总之情况还不错了。老师时刻不忘从我这儿打探些情况,可惜悠悠一个字儿也没写给我,小家伙拿出的是实际行动,他明白原来全世界的老师都会告状,不光中国的,呵呵。


From Rui's Humanities (English + History) teacher (progress!)
Rui made a good sentence today in class: "I don't know how to use the printers." It was the most I've heard him say, and it was a complete sentence.


同时收到business manager的邮件,向家长了解孩子下一学年是否继续上这个学校的调查表,以及下一学年收费情况,学费上涨了600美元。悠悠这种情况反正就是主攻语言,频频换学校不利于学习,当然继续上了。在这样一个人数较少的学校里可以得到更多的个人关注,是当初选择这个学校的一大因素。

Dear Parents,
The end of the first semester came and went with final exams, room change and new students joining our community. Rui and Xudong from China, Amber from West Virginia, Ellie from Ohio, Kim from North Carolina and Martina from Rwanda have integrated well into the student body. Some of these changes can be a source of stress for some students; others thrive on new challenges.
You should have received a link to your student's second quarter grade reports. Be sure to check in with your students about grades, and contact your student's advisor if you have any concerns or questions about grade reports.
In the classroom, second semester projects are underway, including the annual Green Cup Challenge http://www.greencupchallenge.net/. Leonard's class has a real challenge to get us to reduce energy consumption, as we have made double-digit cuts in the last two year. Students will monitor gas, electric and water consumption throughout February.

In the meantime, the members of the Class of 2010 are starting to see their future horizons. Although many college acceptances will not be received until March or April, a number of students have received acceptances from the following schools: ......... We celebrate student achievement and recognize that these acceptances represent a lot of hard work by students, parents and our college counselor, Promise Partner!

按计划明天中午应该和悠悠通电话,已经发邮件申请,尚未得到他准予,即使通不上电话,知道他一切都好我们就没什么可担忧了。希望他加油,继续努力学习,收获更多的good week.

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