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2009-10-30 09:40:09|  分类: 成长点滴 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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今天早上收到美国Olney Friends School的录取通知书,嘿~高兴!

自上上周的星期五将transcript同时发往三个学校后,加拿大的Great Lakes学校很积极地于当天收取了100加元的申请费,然后再无消息,真不厚道。我也懒得问,主要是想等美国学校的结果,美国学校计划在星期四开评审会决定是否录取。

本周三收到加拿大MacLachlan College的邮件,表示同意接受RUI,邮件如下:
Hello Jenny, Mr. Ferguson, Deputy Head of School, reviewed Sun Rui's file and we are pleased to advise that we will accept him in our Grade 10 programme commencing in early 2010.
He will focus on ESL as well attend regular scheduled grade 10 classes. He will not receive academic standing
for the courses taken from January to June 2010 however he may be eligible for 1 credit in ESL.
An acceptance letter will be emailed to you tomorrow with other information. Once received, please let me know if further information is required.




It is with great pleasure that we write to inform you that the Admissions Committee has reviewed your file and we are eager to accept Sun Rui to Olney Friends School. Welcome to the class of 2012 – Rui will be joining a very strong group of tenth graders from around the world.  Congratulations!
Your transcript reveals that you are a solid student across all of your classes.  Your ability to understand and speak English is limited, however. You did not understand all the questions in the interview. Your prepared answers were very good, but you will be challenged here with listening and speaking in English. We will require that you receive tutoring in English until we are confident that you will be able to maintain good scores in your classes. We also require that you take an English language class during summer vacation. Your placement in math class will be determined upon your arrival by interview and by testing.   
Your family will soon receive an enrollment and tuition contract from our business manager, Beverly Kirk Shull.  Please return that contract as soon as possible. Should you, or your parents, have further questions about Olney please contact any of us.  In addition to the financial aid forms online, school forms can be downloaded from http://olneyfriends.org/permissions.htm.
Finally, if immigration documents can be secured, we would invite Sun Rui to arrive to school a week or two ahead of the beginning of the second semester (January 25, 2010). That way he can begin to work on listening and speaking English before classes start. Congratulations, again!


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